Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Loving Gestures Even Though I Am Pooped

After three LONG days of baseball camp and three evenings of VBS crafts, I will be honest with you - I am pooped! I so wanted to impart some Godly words of wisdom this evening - but I am pooped! I managed to accomplish a few things around the house today and spend some quality time alone with my hubby - but I am pooped! Went to visit a neighbor across the street when I came in from VBS tonight - even though I was pooped - she needed some encouragement. (and the neat thing was that I walked away encouraged instead!) Never too pooped to be blessed!

So tonight's message will be simple and shared from a devotion that I just read:

We have kept ourselves pure and have been understanding, patient, and kind. The Holy Spirit has been with us, and our love has been real. 2 Corinthians 6:6

Never dismiss an act of loving kindness as being too small or insignificant. God will magnify even our smallest deeds as we reveal His love to others. Maybe it is that casserole that you baked for a sick friend, or that note of encouragement that you penned to a SS or school teacher, a thank you note to a minister at your church or to someone who performed something that spoke to you in a special way - or a genuine call to someone to say, "How are you?"

We may not consider them acts of witnessing but they are - Every act of loving kindness reflects God's loving kindness for His people. We give because Jesus Christ gave so freely to us.

Every act of loving kindness reveals loud and clear that "I love you - God loves you. I care - God cares."

To whom could you show your love today? Be creative - involve the kids and go be a blessing to someone in HIS precious name. :) You'll be glad you did!

Thanks for loving and praying for Lisa and Mike this week - @


1 comment:

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

WOW, you are doing baseball camp and VBS!!! Girl....whew! Thank you so much for devoting your time to VBS this week.....Taylor has enjoyed seeing you and I have enjoyed knowing that she is with you! I hope you get some rest today and are refreshed!! Praying for Lisa.....what a hard situation! Have a great day!