Wednesday, June 6, 2007

It is Up to Me!

I love this passage in Psalm 51:

Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me....Restore to me the joy of your salvation..."

David had lost his joy. He had sinned with Bathsheba and this was part of his prayer of confession. He is not saying - Lord, restore my salvation - he still had his salvation, but he had lost the JOY of his salvation.

We have all known miserable people. The most miserable people that I have known were not lost - they were saved people out of fellowship with God. You see, your SIN is the ONLY thing that can take joy from your heart.

Notice I said YOUR sin - I once told my students to not rob me of my joy by complaining unnecessarily - (fancy lingo for PLEASE STOP TATTLING) - a common characteristic of darling first graders. But then it hit me, THEIR sin cannot rob me of MY joy - it is MY reaction to their sin that robs me of my joy! Wow - it is up to me! (I went back the next day and explained to them the difference - I think it is so important for them to know that God teaches me new things everyday too and that adults don't have all the answers)

When someone sins against me, it may hurt - it may take my happiness, but it CANNOT take my joy. However, if I react to them in the wrong way, it can take my joy. You see the difference is my response to it - it is up to me!

I have always heard that true character is not revealed in our actions - it is revealed in our reactions. Watch someone when they become upset - what spills out is what they are full of - is it honey or vinegar? Love or bitterness? Jesus or anger?

The key point I am trying to make is that JOY is supposed to be constant despite what anyone does to us. Christians aren't supposed to walk around being happy all the time - but even when the happiness is gone - we are to be joyful. Being joyful doesn't take away any pain, but it does help us bear the load. Misery is an option - but for me, I choose JOY! After all, it is up to me!

How will you react to your circumstances today? It's up to you -



ThreeGirlyGirls said...

First of all.......your post says 2:45 am???? Is that right??!!! MY OH MY!!!

This post spoke VOLUMES to my heart Kim, I have just come to realize that is so true in my life, I cannot allow what other people do to me effect my every waking move.........and it took a long time to get that! But you are SO RIGHT ON. And I love how you state that our true selves show by how we "react" to things! That is so true!! AMEN!!!

Kim said...

Yes....I have summer hours now....staying up late and sleeping even later - Sam is so independent that he will wake up, let me know that he is up, grab soem fruit and yogurt and play inside until I am up and dressed. A mother's dream - thanks for reading. Hope today is much better for you!