Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Camp Cleanup

For the past two weeks, I have transported Sam from one themed camp to another - so this week I decided to hold my own - Camp Cleanup. Martha Stewart I am not - Oh, don't get me wrong - I would love to live like that - to draw from a linen closet of ironed pristine 4000 thread count sheets - or a stack of white fluffy towels - but the truth is no matter how hard I try - God blessed me with two special men in my life that just don't share that vision.

Oh, I am tidy - I despise clutter in the kitchen and my hubby knows that if he doesn't read the paper or mail in 0.3 seconds it will be in the recycle bin. Tidying is one thing - but cleaning is another. It takes some REAL motivation to get me to scrub baseboards and mop a kitchen floor - and that motivation only comes from the Lord when I decide that it must be done.

Last night, in a moment of premenstrual frenzy, I decided it was time - I just couldn't stare at those dusty baseboards dusty carpet edges any longer and I got busy. I hate house cleaning so much that I have to pray my way through it. I thank God that he placed two healthy boys in my life that are active enough to generate messes - healthy feet to track the dirt in, a budget that allows us to purchase new shoes for the quickly growing feet of a seven year old. I thank him for the milk stains that I scrubbed from the stairs (put there by a boy on his way to bed) because it means that the Lord has always provided for us....You get the picture. I have to pray my way through it or I am NO FUN to be around and the attitude from PMS would take over if I did not look to the Lord for perseverance.

What a blessing to have a home to clean - (Nicki and Lisa) I prayed for both of you last night. I am thankful that He called me to be a wife and mommy - and when I count those blessings - I count it all joy! (Even when I am scrubbing away the dirt in our home.)

How will you view your blessings today?

Have a great day in Jesus!



ThreeGirlyGirls said...

You are so funny!! Thank you for your prayers and I'm so glad you have a clean home today!! =) at least for the morning anyways!! Have a great day!

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

only thing i hate worse than cleaning is cooking!!!!!!! But nevertheless we have to eat. we can live in yuck, but still ahve to eat... ugh!!!

i kow - terrible! but can't help it!! so i shall pray!

Kim said...

Leigh -
I love food too much to not like cooking - and I don't mind cooking if I start with a clean kitchen - One thing about it - God blessed me with a man that will work for food - I often say to my hubby, "I don't mind cooking if you will clean while I am cooking." And he will work along side me...Not a bad deal!

Thanks for reading!
