Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Sunday Afternoon

On Sunday afternoon, my son and I decided to take a walk through Memorial Gardens in downtown Concord. During the spring, this centuries old cemetary transforms into a magnificent show place. I decided to take our new camera to play with and I encouraged my son took our "old" camera and take some of his own photographs. He was really cute looking for just the right flower to photograph.
Then, we went to Cabarrus Creamery - downtown - it is an old fashioned ice cream parlor - delicious. We sat on a bench right outside the store front and talked. I shared with him how we used to shop in downtown stores like those we were looking at before malls came along in the late 70's and early 80's and before we had internet shopping - most of our stuff comes by UPS now. It was a fun afternoon.
It was really sweet - a lady saw us in the gardens and at the ice cream parlor and she told my son to enjoy the day - that he would never forget these memories and she told him how her mother used to take her to the gardens every spring and how she still remembers it today. She said, "Now she lives in heaven."As we drove away in the car my son said - "Mom, aren't you amazed at how many people that we don't know - Know God. Like that woman - she said her mom was in heaven and we don't her - I am sure there are a lot more."
I love kids because they are self-centered at this age and stage.....but by his conversation today I can tell that he is just starting to realize just how vast God's creation is.....
Poor thing, I had to give him some benadryll before we went to the gardens to keep his allergies at bay - he fell asleep on the way home. He had a great afternoon...I'd say. A walk, an ice cream and a nap....what more could a Sunday afternoon hold.


ThreeGirlyGirls said...

That is so sweet!! I love that part of downtown Concord, I always wanted to live on Union Street!! But not after this "little" old house, I can't imagine those "big" old houses and all their issues!! =) Glad you got to spend some one on one time with him, that's something that rarely, but needs to, happen around here!

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

I tagged you for something if you have time! =)

Stephanie D. said...

Hey Kim I've tagged you, when ever you get a chance. Look, I was tagged 2or 3 weeks ago, and just got to it. (everyone has been sick in my house)