Sunday, February 10, 2008

Whew - What an Awesome Day!

My hubby and I had such an incredible day in the Lord yesterday. We attended the SOng of Solomon Conference together at our church yesterday. Thank you Lord for the reminders that you gave us to cherish one another more....we have been married for almost 17 years and yes, at times, we get lazy and take one another forgranted. Thanks for such creative ideas to fan that flame once again.

Yesterday was really special because not only did we get to spend special time with one another - but we got to have a quiet lunch with the couple that we co-teach Sunday School with and then, we had the pleasure of eating dinner at Outback with another Christian couple who we have really become close to over the past year. It was a truly fun-filled day with Christian friends. To top the evening off, we went back to the church for an awesome concert with Warren Barfield - he is an amazing writer and quite honestly, a talented singer as well. But hang on, the day wasn't over...

If you know me personally,and I hope you do if you are reading this, (if not, leave me a comment and introduce yourself so I won't feel uncomfortable around you), then you know how much I LOVE to laugh. Well, we had a comedian end the evening with his performance and he talked about things that happen to uncool people....if you don;t have children or haven;t turned 40 yet, then you haven't experienced those feelings of being UNCOOL yet....but I found his sense of humor to be one of the funniest things that I have heard in a long time - I laughed so hard that I cried. On the way out, some dear friends that I work with at church, told me that they had more fun watching the camera monitor which eveidently featured me laughing a majority of the show....oh well, as long as it brought them JOY!

I am sorry that I have been so BUSY lately and unable to post. I have some great stuff for you in my heart. Our son has been through a few trials (strep throat, staph infection and then a dog bite) lately and quite honestly, I have put most things aside to enjoy being his "mommy" because nowadays - with an 8 year old - you become just MOM. (until they get really sick and then they want MOMMY) Can I get a witness to that one Mamas?

I promise to be back to share with you soon. Summer is coming and while I love the classroom - this first grade teacher is looking forward to renewal.

May you enjoy this day of worship!



Valarie said...

Girl, I nearly had an accident during Ken Davis and my girlfriends teen who came for the concert said "Ms. Valarie I thought you were going to fall in the floor"!! Jimmy and I were DYING!!! The whole whitey-tighty man! THAT IS ME!! I wake Jimmy up EVERY night hearing things. In fact, Sat night I heard something, sat up and said Jimmy, but then thought No, I will NOT wake him up after that and went back to sleep cracking up!! LOVE IT!!!

Mari said...

Wow, sounds like my description of an awesome day too! I love Warren Barfield. Thanks for visiting me.