Monday, November 12, 2007

Veteran's Day Remembrance

My son and I experienced a real treat today since it is state law in NC that on this day, we are out of school to celebrate Veteran's Day. This morning we had breakfast with my almost 90 year old grandparents. Our conversation ranged from todays tv shows, to an upcoming cataract surgery for my grandfather to tales of his service during WWII to their childhood memories. My grandfather was a cook in the Army during his tour of duty - which included time in Africa and Italy.

While my grandfather was serving his country in Africa, my father was born. Can you imagine being drafted during your wife's first pregnancy and returning home when that child is almost 2.5 years old? Especially when communication was so limited. My father still has the telegram that my grandfather received in Africa announcing his birth. It reads: Son born. All well. (Seems that the message was brief due to the cost per letter to send the message.) Amazing, huh?

It is also amazing to me (especially since I have a gazillion pictures of my son) that my grandfather saw only one photo of my father prior to meeting him when he returned home. It was taken in my grandparent's backyard. My dad was sitting on the family piano stool and he was holding a pack of Camel cigarettes to keep him from crying. Boy, have times changed! Today, that photograph is proudly displayed in its original frame on my dining room wall.

Although my "Mema" grumbles EVERY TIME my Papa begins to share a WWII story, I think about how few opportunities my son will have to soak in the stories that I have heard throughout my lifetime. He told me today that she wasn't proud of him but he was glad that we were....which meant the world to me for him to know that we are - I know in Mema's heart of hearts that she is proud of him but after 60+ years of marriage, they don't always cherish each other as they should.

Be sure to teach your children to honor those who put their lives on the line to defend our freedom. We are so richly blessed in this sure to thank those who have fought to defend her!

God bless you,

1 comment:

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

How neat that you are still able to share this time with them!! Glad to see you post!!